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Manzanita Charter Middle School
461 33rd St, Richmond, CA 94804
461 33rd St, Richmond, CA 94804
Our school offers support for all levels of English Language Development through our personalized learning approach, integrated ELD instruction throughout the day, small group intervention, and newcomer intervention program. All classes are taught in English.
Manzanita Charter Middle School prioritizes creating a safe and respectful environment for all students.
Through a combination of Restorative Justice practices and a school-wide commitment to civility, the school actively works to prevent bullying and ensure every student feels valued and protected.
Manzanita Charter Middle School offers a variety of unique programs that enhance learning and community engagement.
These include a robust technology curriculum, civic engagement projects, and interdisciplinary learning experiences that connect students with real-world issues. Manzanita also offers community partnerships and after school tutoring.
6, 7, 8
M-TH 8:30-2:50 F 8:30-12:40
We offer after school tutoring
Campus opens at 8 am
AC Transit: BART
Haley Holt
Average academic scores (SBAC) for grades tested compared to the public school average score (district and charter) for the same grades.
This school profile includes data available through CA Department of Education (CDE) or other sources. Due to the pandemic and resulting changes, data is released for multiple school years: Student / school demographic data, Graduation Rate, Chronic Absenteeism Rate, Suspension Rate, Academic Comparison, and Academic Performance are from the 2023-24 academic year. UC/CSU Eligibility data are from 2022-23. Some data is reported by schools to provide more up-to-date information and may differ from published CDE data.